The queen in chess, the most powerful and versatile piece in the game, reigns supreme as the “queen of the board.” With a regal crown atop her head, the queen commands authority with her ability to move unrestricted in any direction, horizontally, vertically, and diagonally.
The Queen in Chess: Positioning on the Chess Board
The Queen piece in chess must always be placed on the respective square color on the board. In other words, the Queen always starts on her color:
Light Queen = Light Square
Dark Queen = Dark Square

It is a common mistake to misplace the queen at the start of the game so try to remember the tip; she always starts on her color.
Movement of the Queen in Chess
The queen is allowed to move any number of unoccupied squares in any directional line, so either horizontally, vertically or diagonally. However she cannot jump over the other pieces. This means she needs to have a clear path to move along.
The queen in chess possesses the combined strength of both the rook and the bishop, making her an unparalleled force on the chess board battlefield.

The queen’s immense power lies in her capability to traverse the entire board with ease, wielding her influence across vast territories. Her versatility allows her to be a potent attacker, defender, and strategist, all in one. The queen can swiftly shift from one corner to the other, delivering checkmates and skewering enemy forces in breathtaking tactical combinations.
As the centerpiece of any player’s army, the queen plays a pivotal role in dictating the flow of the game. Her presence on the board demands respect and careful consideration from both players, as she can highhandedly turn the tide of battle. Her ability to support her pieces, protect the king, and dominate key squares grants her an aura of invincibility.
However, her immense power can also be a double-edged sword, as overreaching or neglecting her safety can lead to catastrophic consequences. A skilled player harnesses the queen’s power judiciously, using her to orchestrate attacks and maneuver her into positions that bolster her strength while avoiding unnecessary risks.
The queen symbolizes the epitome of chess mastery, embodying the depth and complexity of the game. She embodies the essence of a brilliant strategist, capable of making game-changing decisions with precision and finesse. In the hands of a skilled player, the queen becomes the epitome of dominance and control, commanding the chessboard with her royal authority.
Value of the Queen
The queen is generally known to be worth about nine pawns. That is one pawn more than a rook and bishop put together, even though they control the same amount of squares together. This is because the queen is more mobile than the rook and bishop put together. Thus to move the queen to a different position requires just one move, while moving the rook and bishop on the other hand requires two!
Also, the bishop is limited to only move on and attack one color of squares, a restriction the queen doesn’t face since she can move both horizontally and vertifcally.
Queen Fidele
The queen piece was historically known as “queen fidele” in medieval Europe, which translates to “faithful queen.” This term showcased the queen’s loyalty and devotion to her king.
In the early Persian game of shatranj, the piece corresponding to the modern queen was called the “vizier” or “advisor.” It had limited movement, similar to the modern-day king. This advisor later evolved into the powerful queen we know today.
Queen Side vs King Side
The terms “queen side” and “king side” on the chessboard originated from the placement of the queen and king pieces in their initial setup. The queen side refers to the left side of the board from white’s perspective, while the king side is the right side.
A Double Queen Game
In rare and non-standard variations of chess, players may choose to start the game with two queens instead of one. This setup can lead to dynamic and aggressive play from the very beginning.
The Queen’s Gambit
The “Queen’s Gambit” mad famous in the series by the same name, is a famous chess opening named after the queen piece. It involves sacrificing a pawn early in the game to gain control of the center and develop the queen’s mobility.
The queen’s seemingly limitless power is a testament to the complexity and depth of the game of chess. Her ability to simultaneously attack, defend, and control key squares highlights the intricate balance required to master the game.
The queen’s historical evolution from a limited advisor to the powerful and versatile piece we know today reflects the ever-changing dynamics of society and the game of chess. As the embodiment of brilliance and authority on the chessboard, the queen’s strategic prowess adds a touch of regal splendor to the age-old game, capturing the hearts of players and enthusiasts alike.
Tips for Using the Queen
- Don’t Develop Your Queen Too Early (unless you go down the Queen’s Gambit route!)
- Be Aware that You Can’t Properly Defend Your Queen; Lesser pieces such as a Pawn can easily capture the queen piece in chess
- A Queen is Worth More Than A Rook and Bishop Combined
Queen – Frequently Asked Questions
How Does the Queen Move in Chess?
The queen can move any number of empty squares in any vertical, horizontal, or diagonal direction. Essentially, the queen combines the movement of bishop and rook.
Can the Queen in chess Move Backwards?
Yes, since the queen can move in any direction, it is also possible for her to move backwards.
Can the Queen in chess Jump Over Other Pieces?
No, despite her agile movement, the queen is not allowed to jump over any other pieces.
How Many Pawns is the Queen in chess worth?
The queen is worth roughly nine pawns. Although the exact value always depends on her placement and the current position in general.
Can You Checkmate with a Queen in chess?
Yes, it is possible to force a checkmate with your king and queen against a lone enemy king.
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